F&I Products


This course will lead you through the details of the Adventure Club Theft Protection service. We'll cover topics like claims and cancellation, what the service covers, and the details of selling the product to customers, like common objections and misconceptions.
  • Administration
  • Theft Administration
  • Theft Administration Presentation
  • Theft Administration Quiz
  • Coverage
  • Theft Coverage, part 1
  • Theft Coverage, part 2
  • Theft Coverage Presentation
  • Theft Coverage Quiz
  • Sales
  • Theft Sales
  • Theft Sales - GPS
  • Theft Sales Presentation
  • Theft Sales Quiz
  • Downloadable Documents
  • Theft One Page
  • Theft Contract
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 1 year